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Swap Meet June 21-22, 2025


Registration Form: Pre-registration is available for vendors at the Swap Meet and in order to be pre-registered you must also pay either by PayPal or submit a check with your registration form.  To pay with PayPal, choose from the dropdown the number of swap stalls you’ll need and then mail the registration form to the address listed on the form or email the form to:

Print the Swap Meet Vendor Registration Form

Complete the registration form including the payment method and mail to the address on the form.  There are two options:  1) pay by check and enclose the check, or 2) use PayPal.  Please place in mail by 6/8/2025 to ensure it arrives in time.  If registering online, please do so by 5 pm on 6/16/2025.
Vendor Stall fees are $45.  If you choose to not pre-register, please complete the registration form and bring it with you to save time during check-in at the gate.

Print and Mail your registration and pay with PayPal

Swap Meet Stall (12x30)

Print the Swap Meet Flyer

Swap Meet Planning Meeting

Date: March 20 -- 6:00 pm

Place: Wolf Iron Works - Powerland Heritage Park

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