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 Join Us

Do you enjoy experiencing life as it used to be, and how things weren't quite as easy as they are today? Over the years you may have begun collecting something of interest like farm or garden tractors, antique gas engines, Maytag washing machines, old shop tools, feed grinders, water pumps, whistles, drag saws, literature, farm toys or kitchen gadgets - anything of historic value. If you've been wondering where you can find an item to add to your collection or someone who has knowledge of some of these things that seem to just "follow you home", you've come to the right place.

We welcome anyone who is interested in the preservation of our heritage of antique power or the machinery it drove.

Branch 15 has no paid officers and depends solely on volunteers from the membership. We encourage our members to volunteer to assist on committees to retain the enthusiasm, growth and stability of the organization.

Download and Print a Membership Application

When paying by PayPal, the membership application must be filled out and sent to the membership address on the form. The application may be completed on your computer and if you save it as a PDF it can be emailed to:


Membership Options:
Member Name
Card # or Branch #

Membership Benefits

  • General membership meetings are held every other month beginning with the first Saturday in February. Most meetings consist of a potluck lunch before the meeting and are held at different locations in the area that have a commonality to our mission.
  • Membership in the National Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association.
  • Liability insurance coverage through the National organization for all of the events we participate in.
  • Six (6) publications of the “Backfire” newsletter.

Membership Types

  • Full Member/Active - $35 per calendar year (Jan. 1- Dec. 31), who is entitled to the above benefits.
  • Associate Member - $25 per calendar year, as an additional family member of the same household, and will enjoy all the benefits of a Full Member.
  • Dual Member - $15 per calendar year. Is a member of another branch of the National organization that is the “home branch” which pays their National dues and insurance.
  • Newsletter ONLY Subscription - $12 for six (6) issues of the “Backfire” ONLY.

Download and print a Membership Application

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